Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What a difference a year makes


I've ignored this blog for over a year, after only writing in it for a month. I used to be such a reliable blogger, typing furiously about every single thing that happened in my life. I kept my very first blog for three years. Its contents are now, thankfully lost in cyberspace. After feeling battered and bruised from my first blog, which somehow turned into a battleground for anonymous readers to fight each other about MY life, and for them to be telling me every single right and wrong thing I have done (in their opinions), my second blog became more of an events page filled with pictures of events, parties, nights out, and hanging out with my daughter and friends. I was no longer willing to pour my heart out on my blog, just to have random people tell me how I should live my life. Besides, that blog was a testament to my Saturn Return and everything that came with it, although I was very careful about what I posted and ended up withholding a lot from my readers.

This blog started a week before I embarked on a much needed post-Saturn, post-breakup adventure to South America and New York. It was meant to be a travel blog, but based on the 7 entries I had, it turned out to be a start of my healing and cleansing-catharsis if you will. It will probably remain so when needed, be a travel blog when I travel and be an open book to anyone who wants to read it the rest of the time, I guess. Right now I just need some sort of release from the world and a place to reorganize thoughts, recognize feelings and let go of everything else.

Compared to when I started this last year, I feel my life has changed drastically. Perhaps everything around me has remained the same- Manila life in general does not change much, but I know I have. Let's see where this goes.

Searching, for everything already there. For every thought already known. For everything that ever was, is, and will be. Struggling. Oh how we struggle. And the more we avoid it, the greater the struggle becomes, until we realize, the struggle is the blessing. Progressing. Changing. Evolving. Growing. From a seed to a tree. From a child to a man/woman. From a man/woman to a spirit to a god fulfilling his plan.- Searching: Blackalicious

1 comment:

Feel What's Real said...

nice to comeback..keep posting!
