Friday, November 23, 2012

Love Letters: Gratitude

Thanksgiving is not a traditional Fiipino tradition, and I don't really celebrate it with turkey and the whole shebang, but it is a good time to reflect and be reminded of all the BLESSINGS we have in life. Regardless of how shitty you feel yours is going, there are ALWAYS things to be grateful for.

So, for today, I have decided to stop my self-indulgent rambling in order to focus on giving thanks. And boy, there are a lot of things my cynical heart has to be thankful for. Here are just a few off the top of my head.

My family- We may not all live in the same continent, but thankfully, technology has found ways for people to connect instantly--> what's app, facebook, twitter, blogs, texts, emails- all these make me feel like my brother and sister are just living in another house but in the same city. My parents are nothing but supportive of anything I ever want to do in life. Even when they don't necessarily agree with me, they have my back and will be there if it ended up being a big mistake. My extended family-uncles, aunts, cousins- we are all close enough to see each other at least once a week. Many of my titos and titas treat Ananda like a daughter, and I really love that nobody in my family (on both sides) is normal. That is a compliment. Of course, I am also thankful for the little family that I have started. Ananda is more and more proving to be the best life teacher I have ever and will ever have. When I walk around our apartment nowadays, I know this is home.

Friends- My friends have always been important to me, but more and more I see just how much I need my chosen few in my life. Aside from unending encouragement and support, these are the people that knock me on the head when I need it most, and then will cry with me when I have a broken heart and diss the guy who had the nerve to break me to pieces, they will drink with me when I think the world sucks, and when I think it's beautiful- at 3 in the afternoon if I insist. They will come over to bake cakes at 10 pm, bring me my favorite pizza from New York with the slices all individually wrapped and frozen, take care of my daughter while I am on vacation, sit through multiple hours of traffic to hold my hand while I get a tattoo, and drive from San Francisco to LA because I asked, just to hang out for 2 days. My friends ARE family. You know who you are. I met you all at different stages of my life, but you are the ones who have kept it real all this time. I love you.

Travel- I always complain that I don't travel enough, but this year alone I went to 5 different countries (with 2 more coming up in the next few weeks before the year ends plus a long Europe trip next year) and I realized that not many people get the opportunity to see the world the way I am being given the chance to. Travel is my vice. I can live without expensive bags and shoes and could care less about shopping sprees while abroad. I travel to travel, to experience unknown things, to escape from my reality even for moment, and to learn. Every time you travel, even just domestic, you are always a different person, with a bagful of new experiences and life lessons in your hands when you return. IIt may seem like I don't do shit because I am always able to fix my schedule and go on these trips, but I really do hustle, it's just that 95% of my work requires me to sit in front of the computer and write, which I can do anywhere in the world.

Writing- I am only recently realizing that not everyone has the ability or confidence to express themselves as freely as I do. I am thankful for all the travel my writing has allowed me to do, but I am most thankful that I am able to say what apparently many people want to but can't or don't know how to. I have gotten emails and tweets from people who read my blog telling me they feel better about themselves because they are, in fact, normal. It makes my heart swell knowing that I can help people simply by doing what I love, and what I was born to do.

Basic needs covered and then some- I often take for granted the great bed I have, the fact that I can pay rent and utilities, being able to put food on the table, owning a car, paying for credit card bills, buying clothes when I feel like it, and so much more. Some people barely scrape together enough to get by on a day to day basis. That fact has not gone unnoticed. I can't afford to spend large amounts on a whim, but I am more than comfortable.

There's so much more but then I'd need the rest of my life to say it all.

Thank You, life! You are amazingly, perfectly imperfect. What a great adventure it's been so far. Here's to many more years of all that and more.

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